Equitalent International

executive. leadership. leverage.

Are You Performing at Your Personal Best?
Is Your Team?

We coach executives - both accomplished leaders and high-potential talents - around the world, in presence sessions, or using videocall and webinar technologies. Our team is backed up with former elite military competency which we draw on to explain the raw condition of the leadership psyche, and to get specific coaching or advice for tricky situations or management challenges within predominantly male leadership teams. 

We pride ourselves in the QUICK and LASTING effectiveness of our coaching system, so that you can expect to see results starting after your first session, and being fully anchored after 3-4 sessions.  

Add a 1:1 strategy consulting angle for longer-term engagements.

We enable you to access your full performance power - with ease.

You have great people, but their true competence and performance power somehow don’t show? Then you need a performance breakthrough - for your organization, your leaders, your team, or yourself. 



We are the right partner to enable your talent to truly tap into their fullest performance and unleash it in your team’s or organization’s strategic business quest. Stagnation or self-sabotage often get in the way of harvesting the full performance power of individuals or teams. Diagnosing and dissolving any blockages allowing free-flowing achievement is what we do - preventing burn-out and resignation along the way, and getting the results you and your organization want to see.

Our individual and team coaching focus is on:

>> strengthening your talents’ factual performance power
>> sharpening their tactical proficiency
>> honing their 360
° collaboration leverage.

As experienced and practice-proven experts in executive leverage, we have a track record of 20+ years. Our work is pragmatic and shows fast results - why? We go right to the root of human neurology and use the strength of limbic pattern transformation. 

We don’t TEACH, we don’t TRAIN - we TRANSFORM.

We know that behavioral advice has no lasting impact. Instead, we always start in the “Monday-morning” business situation, working our way up through the thicket of self-sabotage, missed leverage points, navigating corporate politics, to acting intentionally to achieve free-flowing performance power.

Typical performance knots we know how to dissolve:

  • Self-presentation - their interaction modes with others limit motivation and collaborative outcomes.

  • In the wrong position - by responsibility and/or task outline - they only unfold a fraction of their pull. 

  • Undetected mental obstacles -  as a set of self-limiting beliefs - keep them their fullest potential.

  • A lack of management or leadership techniques backfires and keeps them operating at lower effectiveness.

  • Pursuing their career trajectory too hard - or not enough - creates disruptive advancement issues.

  • A misinterpretation of or by the people around them keeps them stuck and creates friction or delays. 

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We work with a limbic diagnostic system designed by a Stanford University professor - and former president of the world's largest coach-training organization, CTI - our certifying institute. While this methodology is ingenious in its approach and architecture, we have tailored its practical application to reflect the scientifically proven differences between a man's and a woman's limbic reaction patterns.

Everyone has a unique peak performance profile


The patterns and dynamics of motivation and performance have changed considerably in the past decade.

Generational aspects are just as important as gender differences - there is no one size of performance drive and ability that fits all. We leverage these differences to capitalize on the synergies they offer.

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If you believe someone in your management team may be operating below their potential, speak to us. In our discovery, we locate stagnation points and their causes, and work with your manager to dissolve the knots and free up the true potential harbored inside.

We tailor our work to the unique challenges of male and female talent

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We believe that Men and Women are equally great - and we also believe the science that outlines our differences: In our natural predisposition, our action patterns, and our survival tactics

Therefore, our approach respects the gender-inherent behavioral traits and optimizes their application for star performance in the executive environment.

Organizations truly thrive when men and women work together synergistically as partners of difference, and respectfully complement each others' strengths. 

WOMEN in Business

Women are still the new arrivals on the “camp ground” of the business world - the best tent spots have been taken, or are passed on from man to man. It is hard to pioneer this uncharted territory, to rise without an “old girl’s network”, and to reconcile it all with raising the next generation, the highest-value activity of all. While we explicitly don’t see women in a victim’s spot here, very few women know their inherently strong leverage among high-performance men.

In our VALCON Leaders program, we develop women into smart, effective, and energy-efficient 360° collaborators and leaders of men, who harvest the full potential of the male energy around them with ease.

We work with women to:

  • Understand the masculine structures and dynamics of collaboration in a business group

  • Identify hidden fears and obstacles holding them back instead of leading in a boldly feminine way

  • Apply the secret power strategies of being the only woman, or among few surrounded by men

  • Appreciate and lead diverse teams with ease to unlock their full performance power.

    We develop women executives into valuable and confident leaders. Please visit our special VALCON Leaders program website HERE.

MEN in Business

Men face a tough headwind when they set out on an ambitious career path; their challenges and plight are often underestimated in light of the modern feminist worldview. Many men suffer their daily challenges in silence. Some compromise their personal values. Most miss a true advocate who is faithfully by their side and guides them through difficult terrain.

Yet, men do also enjoy great opportunities and can easily gain the support of their seniors. The business system was structured in alignment with their neurological predisposition: hierarchies & loyalties as reflected in ranks, tasks and rewards drive the well-oiled machine of masculine business efficiency.

We work with men to:

  • Find their true leadership personality and unleashing their natural authority

  • Anchor their self-worth outside of the workplace and avoid sliding into self-serving behaviors

  • Lead effectively in crisis situations and under severe pressure - servant & sacrificial Level 5 leadership

  • Strengthen their decision power and professional backbone, become risk takers for the right reasons

  • Appreciate and lead diverse teams with ease to unlock their full performance power.

  • For the man 50+: Re-energize and empower for today’s dynamic business environment.

Katinka is a professional co-active coach (CTI) with multiple certifications and further professional coaching training. She has authored several executive leadership development and performance improvement programs, published book chapters and articles, and is a keynote speaker and moderator. >KATINKA’s BIO HERE

Ongoing intensive Executive Coaching training and development: WBECS annual conference and year-round coach training / World Business & Executive Coach Summit (2016-2020)

SCC Certified Executive Coach: Stakeholder Centered Coaching (Marshall Goldsmith, Guaranteed & Measurable Leadership Growth, 2014)

Certified Leadership Assessor & Auditor: Global Leaders of the Future (GLOF), MG SCC Global Leaders Assessment (2014)

Member of the ICF (International Coach Federation) since 2013

Author of Creating Engaged OwnershipÓ (CEO - Executive Coaching and Leadership Development) 2013

(Creator) ValCon Leaders: Valuable & Confident Executive Coaching Program for Female Executives: Overcoming Fears, Seizing Opportunities, Harvesting Performance (2013)

Professional Co-Active Coach (PCC) CTI / USA - Nürnberg (2012)

Certified in OYOE (Own Your Own Engagement) - TR Clark Partners, USA (2010)

Global Management Program, INSEAD (1996)

Inhouse Career Coach, Deutsche Bank AG, inhouse coach training (1995)